Welcome to my webpage. Feel free to contact me at:
Casey at Renyi dot hu.
Welcome to my webpage. Feel free to contact me at:
Casey at Renyi dot hu.
About Me: I work in combinatorics, particularly on extremal problems in a variety of settings including graphs, set-systems and discrete geometry. A major topic of my research is finding hypergraph generalizations of classical results in graph theory.
I did my Ph.D. at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. Under the guidance of Gyula O.H. Katona, I wrote my dissertation on extremal problems for partially ordered sets. I have held postdoc positions at the Karlsruhe Institute of Tehnology in Germany and the Discrete Mathematics Group of the Institute for Basic Science in South Korea. Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at Alfréd Rényi Institute in Budapest, Hungary.